Cardboard Boat Regatta

Established in 1938, Salem Maritime National Historic Site was created to preserve Salem’s rich maritime history. In 2023, Salem will boldly add our exploits to that cherished history with the Great Salem Maritime Cardboard Boat Regatta! Salem is known as the home of many great ideas: the American Practical Navigator, the long-distance telephone call, This is not one of them. Salem Merry-time Fest, a day of boats, music, free family fun, and Salem’s first CARDBOARD BOAT REGATTA! Starting at 1:00 sharp (the tide waits for no one!) we will kick off a series of heats testing the engineering, ingenuity, determination, and artistry of our participants. The boats can only be made of cardboard and duct tape, but can be any size, shape or color to fit the imagination of nautical designer.  Launching from Derby Beach, each cardboard boat must hold at least two people, a Captain and their crew, who will paddle their ship out and around a buoy and back to the beach. Cherished prizes will be awarded in a series of competitive categories. This will obviously be a spectacle long remembered and not to be missed.

We will kick off a series of heats testing the engineering, ingenuity, determination, and artistry of our participants. Launching from Derby Beach, each cardboard boat must hold two people, a Captain and their crew, who will paddle their ship out and around a buoy and back to the beach. Cherished prizes will be awarded in a series of competitive categories. This will obviously be a spectacle long remembered and not to be missed. An awards ceremony will take place following the end of the Regatta at 3:00. Just think of the bragging rights and the wave of adulation as you hoist a trophy from the first Great Salem Cardboard Boat Regatta! Join Salem Maritime National Historic Site for the first Cardboard Boat Regatta. Taking place during the Merry-time Fest, local teams will race their homemade cardboard boats in Salem Harbor. Spectators are encouraged to line Derby Wharf and cheer on the racers.

While sinking cardboard can be fun to watch, the real duct tape action is in Avon Ohio. Every Father’s Day Shur-Tape provides material and prizes for the most beautiful and creative devices and outfits made of duct tape (which they call” Duck Tape”). From giant transformer robots to the party outfits in this picture, the company campus is full of displays, structures and everyday objects constructed from the sticky rolls you have in the garage. Duck Tape is available in hundreds of colors and several sizes at a store near you. So if you are stimied for something to wear Saturday night…

Naval Creativity

They just opened a Gold’s Gym in Havana, Cuba
I’d like to see the line for that rowing machine…

A very nervous first-time crew member says to the skipper, “Do boats like this sink very often?” “Not too often,” replied the skipper. “Usually it’s only the once.”

Trump invites the Pope to lunch on a boat. The Pope accepted and during lunch, a puff of wind blew the pontiff’s hat off, right into the water. It floated off about 50 feet, then the wind died down and it just floated in place. The crew and the Secret Service were scrambling to launch a boat to go get it, when Trump waved them off, saying, “Never mind boys, I’ll get it.” Then Trump climbed over the side of the yacht, walked on the water to the hat, picked it up, walked back on the water, climbed into the yacht, and handed the Pope his hat. The crew was speechless. The security team and the Pope’s entourage were speechless. No one knew what to say, not even the Pope.
But that afternoon, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSNBC reported: “Trump Can’t Swim.”

I went on a cruise once, and we were hit by a gigantic wave, and the boat sank. I woke up on a sugar sand beach, with gigantic cotton candy clouds filling the sky, and the sea glistened under the setting sun like a pool of honey, next to me was a volleyball that looked like a marshmallow. Towering above me was a gigantic volcano that looked like an upside down ice cream cone.
It was then that my worst fears were realized, that I was trapped on a dessert Island.

August 30th Birthdays

1972 – Cameron Diaz, 1997 – Carolina Kopellifoff, 1988 – Johanna Brady, 1797 – Mary Shelly

1918 – Ted Williams,  1931 – Warren Buffett,  1985 – Michael Grant Terry, 1996 – Trevor Jackson

Morning Motivator:

Never judge a person by how many times they fall…
but by how many times they get back up!

Ship Shape Kinda