Sneaky Snaky shopping

Helaina Alati was in an Australian Woolworth’s grocery store. “I was browsing and turned to my left…” and she came face to face with a 10 foot python hanging out of the spice shelf. “He had come out and his face was about 4 inches from mine, just looking at me. It was almost like he was asking me to take him outside! I just happened to be the one that found it. He was sort of hidden behind the spices and I didn’t see him at first. He was super mellow, not aggressive at all. I’m guessing he came down from the ceiling. He must have been there for at least a few hours.” Regardless of his temperament, seeing a large python casually slithering through the spices would give most people an absolute fright. It certainly helps that Ms. Alati is a former volunteer snake catcher. She just grabbed her trusty ‘snake bag’, which she apparently carries with her every day, and then relocated the serpent to the bush outside. “It was almost like he was asking me to take him outside.” Just another day in “Downunder.”


Hiss-terical humor

What kind of snake likes to sneak on airplanes?
A Boeing constrictor.

A snake slithers into a bar in Australia…
He asks for a glass of Whiskey, but the bartender refuses and says:
“I won’t serve you, you can’t hold your alcohol.”

Why should you never throw a snake like a boomerang?
Because it’ll come back to bite you.

I told my friend about how I caught a huge snake. He asked me how big it was and I said, have you ever seen the movie “Anaconda?”
It was about the size of the Anaconda movie’s DVD box.


August 18th Birthdays

1995 – Madeline Petch, 1994 – Maia Mitchell, 1958 – Madeline Stowe, 1998 – Jospehine Langford

1970 – Edward Norton, 1992 – Richard Harmon, 1937 – Robert Redford, 1979 – Adam Samberg


Morning Motivator:

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way.


Spicy nesting for serpents