No racism at U of W

The Black Student Union demanded the removal of an Abraham Lincoln statue from Wisconsin campus – but university leaders rejected that request. After some negotiation the University has removed a rock that sat on campus for nearly 100 years when it was determined to be a “painful symbol of racism.” The boulder is a rare, large example of a pre-Cambrian era glacial erratic that experts say is likely over 2 billion years old. It was carried by glaciers from Canada and dumped on Observatory Hill when ice receded from the state about 12,000 years ago. Students of color on campus say the rock, named after a former college president, represents a history of discrimination. The boulder was referred by a derogatory name for Black people in 1925. “This moment is about the students, past and present, that relentlessly advocated for the removal of this racist monument.” “Now is a moment for all of us BIPOC students to breathe a sigh of relief, to be proud of our endurance, and to begin healing.” The 42 ton rock will be used for educational purposes at its new site. It cost an estimated $50,000 to remove. “I see this as offering the next generation of students something to build off of. We got this project going, and now the next round of students can continue to work on items to expel. We hope this movement and this momentum carries on.”


Hard as a —–

If you apply enough heat and pressure to Kid Rock…
he turns into Neil Diamond.

Geology rocks…
but geography is where it’s at.

I’m not good with conversations, so I practice talking to large rocks
It makes me boulder.

Why should you never expect perfection from geologists?
Because they all have their faults.


August 10th Birthdays

1959 – Rosanna Arquette, 1972 – Angie Harmon, 1980 – Joanna Garcia, 1991 – Lee Sung-Kyung

1961 – Antonio Banderas, 1990 – Brenton Thwaites, 1991 – Lucas Till, 1971 – Kevin Randle


Morning Motivator:

The toughest part of getting to the top of the ladder, is getting through the crowd at the bottom.


A rock in a hard place