Take a giraffe nap in Tokyo

Earlier this month, Nescafé (the international coffee company) announced it would be giving customers at its Harajuku cafe the opportunity to enjoy a cup of coffee…and a standing nap. Thanks to the installation of special sleeping pods created by Koyoju Plywood Corporation. Called Giraffenap, these standing pods are specially designed to let you sleep while your body is in an upright position. The “Standing Sleep Coffee Nap Experience” is priced at $5.68, which gets you a coffee and 30 minutes in a sleeping pod, and there’s the option to add a snack to your order. After polishing off my sandwich, I slurped up my coffee to prepare for this nap. Nescafé recommends drinking a cup of coffee before taking a 20-minute nap in the pod, so that the caffeine will hit just at the time when you’re waking up. This is what’s known as a “Coffee Nap”, and it’s a trend that’s catching on around the world, as it’s been shown to improve alertness and mental acuity in several studies.

Inside the pod, you’re completely concealed from the world outside, so I felt a comforting sense of calm as he followed the instructions to get into the correct position. As a sanitation measure, a fresh disposable paper sheet is placed over the table on which you place your head and arms, so be sure to leave it on. Staff will change it for the next customer. Taking a quick look around, I saw there was a ventilation fan overhead, and a small fan in the rear overhead position. Both can be turned on and off, using switches on the wall or a remote control, so you don’t have to worry about any ventilation issues. The controls to adjust the brightness of the lights, and turn them off and on, were on the wall the fan was on the ledge by the height adjustment controls. My body was fully supported by the various cushioned pads and there was no fear of falling, given how comfortably snug everything was. When the lights are off, the pod becomes adequately dark.

If you prefer brightness to darkness, the Forest pod has an entire wall that’s slightly permeable to light, making it a good option for claustrophobes. The final piece of equipment in the pod is an air purifier, which is installed under the seat rest, providing you with purified air for your 20-minute power nap. Resting my head on the pad as instructed, I felt my entire body relax, he could easily fall into a comfortable sleep here. I couldn’t nap wasn’t because of the pod itself. He’d been so busy making notes and taking photos of everything for us that by the time he was ready to nap, his 30 minutes in the pod, which is meant to include 20 minutes for a nap and five minutes before and after to get you sorted, was just about up. According to the makers of the Giraffenap, the compact pods are suited to offices, where workers can use them for coffee naps to boost their energy, creating a more labor-efficient workplace.

Sleep anywhere

How do lawyers sleep?
They lie on one side then proceed to lie on the other.

Don’t ever take a sleeping pill and a laxative at the same time.
But if you do, you will sleep like a baby.

What do you call a bunch of employees caught sleeping on the job?
A Dream Team.

My wife once asked me if I would ever sleep with her sister if we split up.
“Which sister?” is not the correct answer.

September 20th Birthdays

1996 – Sophia Linkletter,  1934 – Sophia Loren, 1996 – Sammi Henratty, 1993 – Taylor Parks

1985 – David Allen,  1951 – Guy LaFleur, 1977 – John Bernthal, 1978 – Dante Hall

Morning Motivator:

If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door.

Coffee and a quick snooze